Friday, 16 March 2012

Interview Questions

1. what is finalize & finally?
2. What is serializable i/f? - marker
3. what are string pools handled in java?
4. what is singleton classes?
5. what are hibernate sessions?
6. what is difference between jdk1.4 & 1.5, 1.6?
7. what is spring IoC?
8. What is MVC?
9. Why to use DAO?
10. Give an example of final class in java?
11. what is AGILE?
11. What is difference between eXtreame programming & TDD?
12. what is design pattern?
13. what are constructors & primitive data types in Java?
14. what are normalizations?
15. what is garbage collection & how to call?
16. what is denormalization?
17. what is method overloading & overriding?
18. what is JDBC?why?
19. What are Strem in Java?
20. What are the threading methods?
21. why to use synchization?